Attract the right customers. Convert them to sales revenue. Retain relationships for a lifetime.

We help you harness the power of your customer data, implement and optimize leading CRM and MarTech solutions, and scale relevant communication and personalization.


  • Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Technology
  • Marketing Data & Insights
  • Marketing Activation

Some of the brands we are working with

We are proud to be trusted by some of the most ambitious companies to accelerate their marketing automation and personalization at scale.

Strategic Platform Partners

We are specialized in the market-leading marketing cloud platforms.

Upcoming Events

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Automate Global Consent Managment

Atcore will show you a step-by-step framework to build a smarter compliant setup, that’ll automate the entire consent data management process, and in turn, be compliant with global marketing consent.

View Recording Here

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Using AI for global marketing automation at scale

In this webinar, learn how AI is changing the way we do marketing automation and reduce cost of campaign development, time-to-market and content translations.

View Recording Here

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The power of personalization with simple data enrichment

Learn how TRUE data enrichment provides insights to improve customer targeting and boost campaign effectiveness.

View recording here

Marketing Strategy

Let’s collaborate to create a digital marketing strategy that will elevate your marketing efforts to the next level, driving growth and progress at scale.

  • Hybrid Operating Model
  • Activity Roadmap
  • Lifecycle Revenue Framework

Marketing Technology

We implement, develop, and operate Salesforce, Adobe Experience Cloud and Google Marketing Platform. Together, we create a strong global setup for effective marketing execution that drives results.

  • Salesforce Multi-Cloud
  • Adobe Experience Cloud
  • Google Marketing Platform

Marketing Data & Insights

Customer data and first-party data are more important than ever before. We help you collect data, increase customer insights, and gain a full understanding of how your marketing activities drive results.

  • Reporting & Dashboards
  • Customer Analytics & Insights
  • Customer Data Management

Marketing Activation

Create more targeted campaigns and better customer experiences across channels at all relevant touchpoints to better attract, convert, and retain customers and increase sales.

  • Content at Scale with
  • Creative Services
  • Programs & Automations
  • Moments that Matter
  • Multi-channel Campaigns
  • Email Campaign Delivery

Feel free to reach out

Sebastian Gullak
Senior Engagement Partner

Phone: +45 6060 4060

… or schedule a meeting

Schedule a consultation with Sebastian and learn how we can help you achieve your marketing goals.